Year Two For Her (and Us)

12 Months Plus

As soon as she hit 12 months, she began to walk. Once she began to walk, no matter how slow and awkward, there was no acceptance of the carrier or stroller. She wants to go places and she will explore whether you are there or not. Words are also becoming more prominent. She will take. a word and cling to it and repeat it for effect.

14 Months

She understands things. You can direct her to go to places. She brings the shoes to walk and will pick up legs to put on pants. She is becoming more picky about food. She will try to eat on her own. She will say things for effect but also pretend to talk. She waves good bye and claps for herself. She will try to bitee just to see what happens.

18 Months
The change in a few months is monumental. She has fine motor skills, she is growing and able to take things. She understands and using words and starting to combine two words. She is babbling non stop. But most of all is how she plays. She loves to cuddle, she loves to kiss, she loves to interact, she loves to ask what things are and learn. She can go up and down stairs, still with help but less and less. She has a personality. She likes to joke and loves to be tickled. It is such a massive change as she is no longer a little baby but becoming so sweet.

She is breastfeeding less and less and now has one nap that is 2-3 hours. Much easier for her to fall asleep. Fairly predictable and able to brush her teeth, plays in bath with toys, likes to grab books and read them together, loves to dance and listen to movies.

19 Months
She laughs when we laugh to be part of the joke. She gets angry when she doesn’t get her way. She can pet gently and be a jerk and claw. Her words can be combined now like “more baple” or “more nanna”. She will pick out her outfit and know when I’m going with the dog. She tries to dry the dog with a towel after rain, and not after rain. She insists on being first to sweep and demands to use the vacuum. She will wash herself, splash in the tub and try to clean things with rags. She is 34 inches and 28.5 pounds.

21 Months
She may not have grown in size, or weight but her brain is growing by the second. New words sprout from her like grass after a rain. She knows when I make tea, she loves strawberries, she is becoming more picky with food and what she wears. She is curious , picking up flowers and rocks, finding snails and rolly pollies. She loves dogs and cats and babies. She is more agressive as she can take down a kid and mash his head into the ground, she is also hilarious smashing her face into glass and kissing herself in the mirror. She now knows that her name is Emma and knows that different people have names. She can follow directions, when she wants to, and ignore them when she doesn’t. She loves to clean and watch us cook. She loves snack time, and dancing. She can twirl and twirl. She will put her dolls to bed, and take them for walks and feed them. She is a tiny person now.

22 Months
We’re not talking, we have more and more words, but we have a lot of attitude. We’re better at not hurting ourselves and others. She used to throw herself down and self harm all the time, now it is rare. She used to be a jerk to Mishka, now it is rare. We used to do a lot of 1-2-3 blast off and now we like to sit on the shoulders. Our favorite word is “uppies” to go up. We love hugs and kisses but hate when papa leaves. Adults are papa and mama. Some times she combines papa and mama into “mapa”. She can throw and catch things. She has a great sense of humor and creates her own games like closing the door on you. She does hide and seek. She is pickier with food, loves strawberries and banas. She remembers what happened a prior day. She’s great with older kids and kids love here. Her hair is getting longer and she has a style, she will refuse to wear certain things. She plays with toys making food in here kitchen and carries around Elmo as he is her favorite. She will take her doll on a stroller walk. She doesn’t like the sack too much as she lovess the freedome to just look around nature and touch things, including rocks, flowers and insects. She loves trash-trucks and birds. She loves to help sweep and do chores and help bring in food. She will take a bite of every strawberry given a chance. She loves to draw and will force you to draw. She wakes up at six and opens here door and comes into our bedroom and climbs into our bed. She is 35″ and 28.8lb.

23/24 Months
Emma is starting to use personal pronouns instead of always saying Emma. She is crafty, and very determined and stubborn. She will not give up until she gets her way or at least gets something. She is also super sweet, asking for kiss and hug before I leave. She has interesting words like “power” which means “what is that?” She wears a plastic bin as a hat, uses a small retractable magnifying glass as a phone, checks who calls her, and even “takes pictures” with it. She can also be very aggressive: scratching, punching, kicking to the face. It’s crazy, I know I can’t hit to punish her but I didn’t expect to be hit or punished by my child. She always wants to be involved, trying to “help” with anything from helping me eat to cooking and cleaning.

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